Videos are one of the easiest, most engaging ways to interest potential customers in your product. They have gone well beyond the frill stage for businesses and are now considered essential for getting good ranking in the search engines. In one-on-one contact with prospects, they are immediate attention getters.
According to Susan Weinschenk, a brand consultant to companies like Disney, Walmart and Amazon, humans have a visceral connection to video. Watching them triggers core areas of our brains, dealing with watching faces, listening to voices, feeling emotions and seeing movement.
But not just any videos work. Business and individual consumers have become more sophisticated in what they will watch and how they react to videos.
Prospects Expect Quality
The bubble gum and paperclip quality of early YouTube and business videos worked fine when they were a novelty. Now prospects, especially in the B2B market, expect high-end videos that entertain as well as provide information.
That’s where 3D animation shines. Though it is relatively expensive and not workable for small marketing budgets, it lets you show the features and benefits of your product or service with style, boosting the image of your company in the process.
An Essential for SEO
Search engines love videos. They get indexed quickly, improving ranking without delay. Search results with a matching video get clicked on more often than those with just posts.
According to Digital Sherpa, a website is 50 times more likely to appear on page one of the search engine results when it includes a video. Clearly, if content is king, then video is the emperor.
Videos also keep your visitors on your site far longer than if it just features text. More than three-quarters of your online visitors will watch a video, but less than one-fifth will read an entire blog post.
And it’s not just retail customers who prefer videos. According to Forbes, three-fourths of executives who responded to a survey reported they watched videos that were related to work on business websites at least once a week.
The best videos present your message with a mix of style and clarity. Explainer videos, especially those using 3D animation, are among the most effective attention grabbers. Visitors online are bombarded with noise in the form of graphics, podcasts, other videos, ads and posts. To stand out, you need to present your information in a clear, quick and appealing way, which is what 3D animation does.
Catch Their Eye at Trade Shows
At trade shows, visitors are bombarded with noise in the form of conversations, sales pitches, displays and crowds. You need to find a way to stand out from the teeming mass of exhibitors.
Explainer videos using 3D animation will do it. They present your message in a lively way, using motion to tell your business story. Because 3D is high impact and appealing, it grabs attention and gets people to stop and watch. Its uniqueness, high quality and real feel elicit a positive response from viewers
Spark Interest One-on-One
Videos are an essential part of a salesperson’s presentation. According to Kissmetrics, 64% to 85% of prospects are more likely to buy a product after viewing a video about it.
And a 3D animation video makes can make the most effective impression. It can show what can’t be photographed, zoom in and out, and portray what hasn’t actually been built.
Explainer videos using 3D animation present your company as technologically sophisticated and upscale. The possibilities are endless with 3D, applying its magic with special effects and graphic design.
Show AND Tell Your Products Benefits
When you show them a 3D animation of your product or service, viewers feel they are seeing the real thing. Just think about the last Hollywood blockbuster you watched that used 3D animation.
These videos can illustrate products, engineering plans and architectural projects that are still in the dream stage. And they can do an even more persuasive job with products that are already in the marketplace. They have the ability to explain boring and complex products in a simple, fun way that connects with viewers.
Investing in 3D animation for your business videos sets you apart from the pack. Viewers love their style and cutting edge technology. By increasing interest, they help you expand your online presence and brand recognition. For in-person presentations, they keep potential customers interested, showing your product in a way that is engaging and easy to understand.