In a recent Eloqua study, it was discovered that video is now the sixth most popular content marketing tactic, as 70% of B2B marketers use a form of online video with their overall strategies. If video development scares you, it’s time to face your fears because YouTube is here to stay. Not to mention, YouTube is best friends with Google, which means you can boost your search engine optimization a lot by simply developing and posting optimized videos. Here are a few simple strategies you can start incorporating into your video strategy to start earning mad viewership right away.
Length: The optimal length for a video is a gray area. The important thing here is to maximize your message in the shortest amount of time. In the YouTube world, less is typically more. Keep your video between 30 and 90 seconds if possible. With the prevalence of ADD and information overload in this culture, you will probably lose viewers if your video goes beyond that window (unless you are above-average interesting).
Entertaining: What types of videos do you usually watch on YouTube? My guess is that most of them are funny, entertaining, and have some form of shock effect. If you can learn to weave these elements into your videos in a tasteful way, you’ll be well on your way to virility. Like any good content, make sure your video marketing pieces are valuable and interesting to your audience. What are the pressing issues in their world that you can address? How can you add lightheartedness, humor, and originality into your message?
How To’s: There is a “how-to” to virtually everything. Last week, I Googled, “how to blow your nose” and sure enough, there was a ton of information that popped up. The secret in developing “how-to’s” is discovering the value you can offer to your audience. What does your business specialize in? What types of unique tricks and tools can you offer to people that no one else can? Once you unearth the little gems of advice and wisdom you can offer, make a video about it!
Stories and Interviews: People are interested in other people. Why do you think the show 20/20 is so popular? By weaving interesting, relevant, and valuable stories into your video library, you will attract more viewers and traffic. Again, the trick is in figuring out which stories to tell that’ll strike a chord with your viewers. If you are a wine company, you may create a video interviewing the owner of a massively popular vineyard. If you are a consulting agency, you may interview a client that achieved wild success from your services. Your business undoubtedly has stories to tell, discover them!
Now is your chance to tell us how you approach video marketing. What has been successful and not-so-effective for your business?
Contact us to learn how you can improve your video marketing!